Friday, July 23, 2010

Rest Well, Buddy

The process of making a com ready to retire is always like a time trip to the past as you browse through all the files and it was like "oh man! These stuff is like from another life time..." when it was actually just 4 years ago. But then year 2006 definitely sounds like another age now.

You also get to realise a lot of stuff which you thought were important is actually junk in the long run, but ironically a lot of other stuff which you might have thought to be junk are now cherished memories.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Have Fun with your own "Vista"

In the midst of Tech giant Apple Shares Dropped due to the iPhone 4 incident, a top Microsoft official has suggested iPhone 4 might be Apple's Vista, as Windows Vista was a real pain point for Microsoft.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Real Time report

This is a scene we will bet that has been happening all over the world for the past month, and also this will be the last strip for the World Cup 2010 series special.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brick World Comics Presents World Cup Specials

Well World Cup 2010 has finally came to an end, during the month when it was raging on we have accumulated quite a small collection of comic strips here which are World Cup related so we decided to bundle them out in an easy to see format for you guys to relive some of the World Cup moments. Just click on the image above to access the page, or you can click here.

Talking about LEGO World Cup... how can we missed this chance to promote this uber LEGO soccer site, see for all the glories in LEGO soccer!

We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce the new experimental Brick World Comics blog site which is aiming to cater the "I only want to read the comics" crowd who might find the jumping between our blogs a tedious task. Do let us know what you think!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good News Everyone!

Following the recent renewal season for Futurama there has been a torrent of new creations based on it lately.

First from Matt De Lanoy a.k.a Pepa Quin's incredible Planet Express HQ, Head Museum to Robot Arms Apt and much much more, this culmination work for over two years is too awesome for any fans of the series to miss.

Then there are these CubeDudes from Andrew Lee.

What does all these have to do with BrickTech you asked? Well as far as we know, the series itself being some what Scifi and future tech related is all that we can think of, but we will use any excuse to show off cool creations!

Source: Brothers Brick

Friday, July 2, 2010

The "Pading" is nice, not so much for the cost

The comic below does pretty much sums up the feeling one could have on Ipad first trial if you are even remotely technological affiliated.

Not an exaggeration.

The comic above, should you if by now haven't seen it yet for some reason come from The Oatmeal- What it's like to own an Apple product. Highly recommended!

TED talks LEGO

We just talked about TED in our last post and incidentally their next video was about LEGO the next day. Nice~